Multi-factor Identification

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This is a must for every security strategies. This is simple but effective at the same time since it adds another layer of security to protect the important data from hackers trying to steal. Even if your password has been hacked, they still need to get through this layer to get in.

Regular Patching

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By regularly updating the security software’s, it enables you to mitigate vulnerabilities. Critical updates should be done as often as possible like weekly and other updates should be done quarterly. Most attacks happen because they don’t regularly patch their security.

Educate employees

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Having trained employees will reduce risk of important data getting leaked. Explain to them that each computer could be breached and show them some real-life examples of what would happen for security breaches.

Update Passwords regularly

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Users should be required to change their passwords every 60-90 days for better security. Passwords should be long phrases with upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols.

Implementing Firewall and Anti-virus

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Having a firewall will provide a wall between your data and attackers. There are many threats you can block with firewall alone but also having anti-virus software is a good idea since it adds another protection in your security.